Acupuncture, Eastern Medicine and Your Health
by Lynn Jaffee
A couple of weeks ago, I fell off the bottom step in my house. Actually, the problem was that I was on the second stair and thought I was on the bottom one. The upshot is that I went down pretty hard and my fall was broken by my ribs hitting a nearby doorjamb. After […]
In Chinese medicine, there is a condition called Summerheat. It seems appropriate to write about it after we’ve had a string of 90 degree days here in Minnesota in late May and early June. I’ve only experienced Summerheat once, but it was memorable. It happened during my first backpacking trip down into the Grand Canyon […]
Over the past couple of years, I’ve discovered a new Murphy’s Law. It’s this: The older you are, the worse the outcome tends to be when you fall. Three years ago, I slipped on a patch of snow-dusted ice and broke my elbow. And three weeks ago, I stepped out the front door and fell. […]
Not long ago, during a weekly grocery shopping trip, I had a weird thing happen. At the end of the trip in the checkout line, the cashier tossed my groceries toward me as I bagged. Sack of onions; scan, toss, plop. Head of lettuce; scan, toss, plop. Bag of slivered almonds; scan, toss, plop. And […]
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